Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)

Adopting Green Technology, COMSATS FSEL Sign Agreement
9th ANSO Governing Board Meeting held in Bangkok
Symposium on Fostering Water Security, Biodiversity & Peace via innovation & Earth observation, COP29, Baku
Global Climate Finance Mechanisms: Assessing Equity and Effectiveness, COP29, Baku
COMSATS and ISSI agree to collaborate for Science Advocacy and Regional Development
International Workshop on 'Metagenomics-based Approach for Viral Disease Surveillance', inaugurated on 16 Sept., CUI-Islamabad
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The idea of establishing a high-level Commission on Science and Technology for countries of the South was conceived by Pakistani Nobel Laureate, Prof. Dr. Abdus Salam, in recognition of the increasingly widening gap of scientific knowledge and economic development between the North and the South. It was realized that sustainable socio-economic development in the South cannot be achieved without building and sustaining indigenous capacities in science and technology and that the strengthening of South-South and North-South collaboration, and exchange of technical know-how, is imperative for the generation and sustenance of such capacities. Professor Salam’s enthusiasm and personal contacts motivated a number of Heads of State/Government of developing nations to join hands for the establishment of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)​.

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Upcoming Events

Latest S&T Developments from around the world (opinions/ideas)
Meetings of Statutory Bodies

COMSATS' Centres of Excellence

So far, 25 Centres of Excellence (highly reputed centres of science and technologies in the South) have been selected as nodes and are playing leading roles in their respective areas of specialization.