COMSATS’ Member States are entitled to the following key benefits:
COMSATS’ Member States are entitled to the following key benefits:
International Thematic Research Groups: Scientists of R&D institutions of the Member States can participate in and become members of the following International Thematic Research Groups of COMSATS that were established with the aim of conducting joint research in a multinational group format:
Distinguished Professorship Scheme: The R&D organizations and universities of Member States can benefit from COMSATS’ Distinguished Professorship Scheme, whereby they can invite lectures by a group of renowned scientists and professors. The international travel expenses of the Distinguished Professors are borne by COMSATS, whereas local hospitality is offered to them by the host institution.
Panel of Experts on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: COMSATS’ Member States can seek free consultancy from COMSATS’ Panel of Experts on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy on formulating/reviewing their national policies related to science, technology and innovation.
In order to gain the membership of COMSATS and avail its benefits, the Member States have the following obligations:
The Founding Members signed an International Agreement to establish COMSATS. Subsequently, any developing country may join COMSATS by signing an accession agreement.
Each Member State of COMSATS is expected to provide financial support in the form of Annual Membership Contribution (AMC). AMC is maintained by COMSATS Secretariat as a ‘Trust Fund’, and is used to conduct the development activities, programmes, and projects, in collaboration with the international partners, in the contributing Member State. The AMC is voluntary and is in no way a pre-requisite for accession to COMSATS or continuation of Membership.
The most relevant Ministry or a high level government institution in the Member State is to be nominated to act as COMSATS’ Focal Point.
In order to keep close contact with COMSATS Secretariat for scientific collaboration, the Focal Points are required to nominate Liaison Officers for coordination with COMSATS Secretariat.
The Member States are expected to designate one or more R&D institutions as COMSATS’ Centre of Excellence. The corresponding Focal Point may convey to COMSATS the technological requirements of the country where cooperation is required and also the specified areas in which they can offer technology for sharing with other Member States.
The scientific community of a Member State is expected to provide inputs for COMSATS’ scientific publications.