Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)

COMSATS Secretariat supports Pakistan’s Plantation Campaign

COMSATS Secretariat supports Pakistan’s Plantation Campaign

The Government of Pakistan launched a nationwide spring tree plantation campaign to address the challenges posed by climate change. The initiative aims to promote a green Pakistan by planting trees across the country to reduce carbon emissions, protect ecosystems, and create a sustainable environment for future generations. In keeping with the Govt. of Pakistan’s drive …

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COMSATS Member States to make joint efforts for Promoting ST&I for Regional Development

COMSATS Member States to make joint efforts for Promoting ST&I for Regional Development

Islamabad, 28 February 2023. The Special Advisor to the President of Ghana on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Liaison for COMSATS’ affairs, Dr. Eugene Owusu, and Executive Director COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. M. Nafees Zakaria, exchanged views on Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) led regional development. The Republic of Ghana holds the Chair of COMSATS and …

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24th Meeting of COMSATS Coordinating Council Concludes at ICCBS Karachi

24th Meeting of COMSATS Coordinating Council Concludes at ICCBS Karachi

The 24th session of COMSATS Coordinating Council concluded on 26th January 2023. Hosted by the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, one of the 24 International Centres of Excellence (CoEs) of COMSATS, the meeting was well attended by eminent Council members, COMSATS Technical Advisory Committee and representatives of partner International …

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24th Coordinating Council Meeting Inaugurated in Karachi

24th Coordinating Council Meeting Inaugurated in Karachi

[ Speeches ] [ Communiqué of the Meeting ] [ List of Participants ] [ Presentations ] The 24th Coordinating Council Meeting of COMSATS was inaugurated at Karachi on 25th January 2023. The two-day meeting is being hosted by one of the two COMSATS Centres of Excellence in Pakistan, the International Center for Chemical and …

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5th Term of ANSO-BIDI School on ‘Innovation, Sustainable Development and Leadership Enhancement’ trained 47 participants belonging to COMSATS Member Countries

5th Term of ANSO-BIDI School on ‘Innovation, Sustainable Development and Leadership Enhancement’ trained 47 participants belonging to COMSATS Member Countries

From the platform of ANSO-BIDI Institute Network, the Center for Environmental Economics of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CEE-UCAS), in collaboration with COMSATS, the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) and other collaborating institutions, organized the fifth term of online ANSO-BIDI School on ‘Innovation, Sustainable Development and Leadership Enhancement’. The training was held …

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British House of Lords’ Member visits COMSATS

British House of Lords’ Member visits COMSATS

Honorable Member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, Lord Qurban Hussain visited COMSATS Secretariat on 6th January 2023, to meet Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, Executive Director COMSATS. Lord Hussain was warmly welcomed who congratulated Dr. Zakaria on his appointment as Executive Director COMSATS. Dr. Zakaria briefed the honorable guest on COMSATS’ …

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The Ambassador of Palestine calls on the Executive Director COMSATS

The Ambassador of Palestine calls on the Executive Director COMSATS

The Ambassador of the State of Palestine, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Amin, called on the Executive Director COMSATS, Ambassador Dr. Mohammed Nafees Zakaria, on January 4, 2023. The two officials discussed collaborations between COMSATS and Palestinian institutions and other matters of mutual interest. Dr. Zakaria briefed the Ambassador on the COMSATS’ activities, which were aimed at …

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