The functions of the Coordinating Council as defined in the Charter of the Network are as follows:
The Coordinating Council shall elect from amongst its Members a Chairperson who shall hold office for three years and who may be re-elected for further terms of three years.
The Coordinating Council shall take decisions on matters related to the Membership of the Network.
The Coordinating Council shall be the controlling body that approves the programmes and budget of the Network and the Secretariat.
The Coordinating Council shall make rules and regulations governing its own procedures.
The Coordinating Council shall generally take its decisions by consensus. The quorum for a meeting shall be half the number of Members of the Network. In case of difficulty in reaching a consensus, the Coordinating Council shall take decisions by a simple majority vote of its Members. In the event of equally divided votes, the Chairperson of the Coordinating Council shall have the casting vote.