Dr. Kamran Jahangir, Advisor (TAC), COMSATS Secretariat paid a visit to the Republic of Turkey from September 19th – October 8th, 2018, in order to hold meetings at COMSATS’ focal point in Turkey – the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), and few Turkish academic institutions with the purpose to explore avenues of collaboration for the benefit of COMSATS’ Member States at large.
During his visit to TÜBİTAK, Dr. Jahangir met with the senior officials of TÜBİTAK, Marmara Research Center (MAM), National Metrology Institute (UME), and Turkish Management Sciences Institute (TUSSIDE). In the meeting held with the Executive Vice President of TÜBİTAK, Dr. Orkun Hasekioğlu, it was pledged that TÜBİTAK shall support Government of Pakistan in its initiatives by offering resources and services available with the Council.
At TUSSIDE, Dr. Jahangir was given a briefing on activities of the institute followed by a visit of the institute’s facilities. The Institute expressed keen interest in partnering with COMSATS in areas of common interest. Further, during the meeting with Dr. Mustafa ÇETİNTAŞ, Director – UME, and Mr. Omar, Head of International Office, TÜBİTAK, it was pledged that UME would extend consultancy services for the establishment of facilities akin to UME in COMSATS’ Member States. It was also proposed that UN Technology Bank may be approached for launching initiatives in the LDCs that hold COMSATS’ membership.
In the meeting with Prof. İBRAHİM KILIÇASLAN, President – MAM, and Dr. Murat MAKARACI, Vice President in Charge of Strategy and Technology Development – MAM, it was ensured that short-term summer trainings will be offered by TÜBİTAK MAM to scientists / researchers belonging to COMSATS’ Member States. Further, possibility of provision of MS and PhD scholarships was also discussed.
A meeting was also held by Dr. Jahangir with the Rector of Gebze Technical University, Gebze, Prof. Muhammed Hasan Aslan. During the meeting, it was proposed that an MoU may be signed for the bilateral cooperation under which MS and PhD scholarships may be offered to students / researchers of COMSATS’ Members States.
During a meeting held at Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin, a possibility of signing an MoU was explored in areas of mutual interest.