COMSATS organized a training workshop on ‘Repair and Maintenance of Scientific Engineering Equipment’ in Accra, Ghana, on October 12-16, 2015, under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Government of Ghana. The workshop was hosted by Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), an affiliated institution of MESTI.
This is the second workshop on the theme organized by COMSATS in Ghana during the last two years. The first one was held in 2013 with the support of COMSATS’ Centre of Excellence in Ghana, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Correspondence with MESTI in connection with follow-up of the workshop led to an understanding of holding this event specifically for GAEC.
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The hands-on training to technicians of GAEC on repair and regular maintenance of important scientific instruments was provided in several sessions. Mr. Arif Karim and Mr. Faisal Ghazanfar from Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) rendered their services as resource persons for the workshop. The technical sessions comprised hands-on training complemented by lectures on the theme of the workshop. To consolidate the trainees’ learning, the participants were also provided the opportunity to work on the faulty equipment under the supervision of the experts to practice their knowledge acquired during the technical sessions.
Fifteen engineers and lab technicians were trained for indigenous repair of a number of equipment and instruments at the various GAEC facilities, including Organic lab; Ghana Research Reactor (GHARR-1); Non-Destructive Testing Unit; Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI); Environmental Protection and Waste Management Centre (EPWMC); Radiological and Medical Sciences Research Institute (RAMSRI); as well as Applied Radiation Biology Centre (ARBC) of the Radiological and Medical Sciences Research Institute (RAMSRI).
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Twenty-six instruments/equipment repaired during the course of the workshop included: Fourier Transformer Infrared – Spectrophotometer; X-ray Machine; Spectronic 21D UV/Vis; Blood Auto Analyzer; Content Analyzer; Gas Chromatograph and Gas Chromatograph Auto Injector; FTHS 900 Microwave Lab-station; PCR machine; Freeze Dryer and Microwave Lab-station; and Gene Amp PCR System 9700.
Prior to the workshop, the Director General GAEC, Prof. Benjamin Jabez Botwe Nyarko, held meeting with the visiting delegation from Pakistan, comprising Mr. Nisar Ahmad, Deputy Director (Systems), COMSATS, and the two workshop resource persons from PCSIR. The meeting was also attended by the Director GAEC, Dr. Francis G. Ofosu. The Director General expressed his gratitude to COMSATS for accepting GAEC’s request of organizing the workshop at his institution and hoped that the activity would result in not only repairing the expensive faulty equipment, but also help in building scientific capacity of the human resources at GAEC. Mr. Nisar Ahmad briefed about the workshop methodology and also highlighted the success of the series of workshops held under the theme that so far has trained more than 340 scientists, engineers and technicians in COMSATS’ Member Countries since 2004.
At the brief closing ceremony of the workshop held on October 16, 2105, Dr. Ofuso, commended COMSATS for organizing the much needed national workshop in Ghana. He also expressed his satisfaction over the successful holding of the workshop. He particularly praised the visiting experts for their hardwork and knowledge imparted to the participants.